Hone down to your ideal audience through SEO marketing. Here are five search-based marketing ideas:

Identify the keywords that your audience uses to search for your content (or content similar to yours) on the web. What words are they using? What questions are they asking? Do some keyword research and make sure to incorporate that language into your page content.

Important as keywords are for helping search engines find and categorise your content, you should be careful not to overstuff your posts with keywords. Search engines are becoming more sophisticated in their “reading” of the web, and they’ve learned to shun keyword-stuffed content that lacks real “meat” and advice. Stuffing your content with a specific keyword in an attempt to get attention from search engines will only result in having that content penalised and sent to the last page of search results.

The best way to write is by writing for humans, not search engines. Armed with a burning question from your audience, and equipped with the right keywords that will help your content rank as useful, write the rest of your post in your unique voice making it as simple and clear for your audience as possible.

Titles may be the most important and yet most neglected aspect of online content. As important as it is to use strong and relevant keywords in the body of your content, it is doubly as important to use those keywords in the headline of your content, because search engines weigh headlines quite heavily.

What’s more, human readers decide whether they want to read something or not based on the headline alone. Headlines may only be a few words long, but the best one can take as much time to craft as the entirety of the body text. So don’t rush your headlines. Take your time to incorporate your keyword in an engaging heading.

When considering a topic for a new piece of content, focus on going deep on one aspect of that topic, rather than covering a wide range of related issues. The more spread out your keywords are in a post, the harder it will be for your content to rank high in search engines. The more focused they are on a particular area the easier it will be for new readers to discover them.