Source: Twitter


The Coca-Cola brand has become synonymous with Christmas since it started using images of Santa Claus enjoying a coke in the 1930s, but it was the iconic “Holidays are coming!” advert in 1995 that has stayed in the nation’s hearts for over two decades. Some people don’t consider the holiday season to have started until the Coke truck rolls across their tele.

What did they do right?

Everyone is trying to do something ‘different’, especially around Christmas, but the fizzy drink brand made a smart choice to stick with what we know and love. At its heart, the advert appeals to traditional ideals of the holidays: family, togetherness and sharing experiences.

It’s immediately recognisable from the signature tinkling of sleigh bells and brightly lit red truck and, for many, its snowy scenes and depiction of excited families are the image of an ideal Christmas.

Audiences have become so attached to the beloved advert that some have taken to Twitter to complain about the new version of “The holidays are coming!” track that debuted this year:

Source: Twitter